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Individuals who pay property taxes can appeal for a tax reduction. This group includes:
Local tax authorities will assess only the current assessment roll for grievances. You cannot appeal for tax assessment from prior years. Also, assessment grievances do not cost you nor do they require the services of a lawyer.
File your grievance form (aka RP-524) with a property tax reduction assessor in Nassau Countyor Suffolk County and submit it before your Grievance Day deadline. In most communities, Grievance Day is the fourth Tuesday in May. The counties, however, have different dates:
Local tax authorities establish the value of your home using a process of estimation with data classified as public information (e.g., recent sales of comparable homes in your neighborhood). With a wealth of information at their disposal, local authorities need not visit your home in case you file a property tax reduction.
Even if you’ve successfully grieved your property taxes before, file your grievances yearly due to the steady rise of General and School tax rates. If you fail to protest your assessment, your taxes could increase.
Having more than one tax grievance company in Suffolk Countyand Nassau County to represent you can slow down the process of reducing your taxes. The Assessment Review Commission does not settle cases with multiple representatives involved.
If you have more questions about the tax grievance process,
Cobra Consulting Group
At the Cobra Consulting Group, we provide consulting for select services on a concierge basis so you can meet your business requirements efficiently without having to retain multiple service providers.
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