Nassau County and Suffolk County Trusted Property Tax Reduction Specialists

A Unique Business Model

Cobra has created a one-of-a-kind model for professional consulting services. Apart from providing tax reduction services in Nassau County and Suffolk County, we offer commercial, corporate, intellectual property, environmental, and land-use consulting.

We provide services on a concierge basis so that you can fulfill your business requirements efficiently without retaining multiple outside service providers.

In case you require legal counsel, we will refer you to legal experts that provide quality services at competitive rates consistent with our business model.

Benefits of Working with Cobra Consulting Group

Stress-Free Tax Reduction Process

Deal with tax reduction without the stress associated with the task. Our team of legal and real estate experts researches each case and files all the necessary paperwork.

No Reduction, No Payment

We have saved clients thousands of dollars each year and we’ll continue to do so. If there is no decrease in your property taxes, you don’t have to pay for our services.

Stay in the Know

Find your way around the topic of tax grievances with peace of mind. Our team is eager to educate taxpayers on how property tax reduction works in Suffolk County and Nassau County. If you have questions regarding the assessment system, we’d love to have a chat with you.

Benefits of Working with Cobra Consulting Group

Our company gives back to the community. Cobra Consulting Group’s co-founder Dave Denenberg, an 8-term Nassau County legislator, has led Hurricane Irene and Sandy relief operations and chaired environmental and public works committees. Today, he continues to inspire and lead us to participate in social projects.

Cobra Consulting Group is eager to be of assistance. Contact us today to learn more about us or our services. 

Are you in Nassau or Suffolk County and want to file for a  property Tax Grievance? 

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